Meet Meetul Rathore

Meetul is one of our 2024 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) participants working on our Talawa projects. He started participating earlier this year, and was formally accepted as a GSoC participant in May. He has been collaborating with other participants and mentors on his various GitHub pull requests.

Welcome Meetul!

Hey there, I’m Meetul. I’ve been fortunate enough to join Talawa as a GSoC 2024 participant, working alongside some incredibly vibrant contributors. Talawa is my first step into the open-source world, and honestly, it’s been one of the best experiences of my life.

For a long time, I was pretty confused and uncertain about my path in life. I kept wondering what others were doing with their lives and what the ‘right’ way was. Because of this, I’ve been a bit late to the party in some areas. Unlike most of my fellow contributors, I’m a graduate, and this is my first work experience.

I like programming, but I can’t say I’ve always been in love with it. In fact, for a long time, I downright hated it. But the last few months have been a game-changer. Since joining this community, everything has shifted. The collaborative experience—the thrill of making meaningful contributions, helping others, solving bottleneck problems, and so on—hits just right. It creates a drive and passion that’s hard to come by. It’s making me love open source and programming more and more, and it’s given me a sense of purpose and curiosity about this world.

I firmly believe it’s never too late to start anything in life. Just take that first step, keep your head high, face the challenges, overcome them… keep doing it, and keep improving yourself. And who knows? You might even end up loving the things you once dreaded.