Meet Anwer Sayeed

Anwer is one of our 2022 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) students working on our Talawa projects. He started participating earlier this year, and was formally accepted as a GSoC student in May. He has been collaborating with other students and mentors on his various GitHub pull requests.

Welcome Anwer!

I am Anwer Sayeed, a final year undergraduate student pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West Bengal, India.

I am skilled in automation, algorithms, full-stack development and Machine Learning. I am running a coding community in my college as I like community work a lot.

I am really passionate about open-source and want to contribute my part to it. I believe in community work that’s why I want to play my role in these contributions.

This summer, I am working as a GSoC Mentee for the Palisadoes Foundation to automate the documentation for the talawa repositories.

Aside from academics and development, I enjoy travelling and interacting with people from diverse cultures and customs. I feel good, When I assist someone in need or address a problem that can impacts a larger section of society. I have a vision of making this world better and equal to all through technology and innovation.