Meet Patibanda Sriram

Patibanda is one of our 2022 GitHub Externship – Winter Cohort students working on our Talawa project. He started formal coding with the Externship in January and has been collaborating with other students and mentors on his various GitHub pull requests.

Welcome Patibanda!

I’m Patibanda Sriram, a 3rd-year undergraduate student pursuing a B.Tech from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. I’m a self-taught developer who enjoys developing apps that matter. I’ve started learning to code in my freshman year and have been hooked on developing apps that matter.

Currently, I’m working as a GitHub Extern for Palisadoes Foundation. Over the period, I’ll be developing the chat feature of the app along with my fellow externs. I really like contributing to open-source software.  As a maintainer of our college’s Institute Counselling Services app, which is open-sourced, I know the zeal and effort it takes to maintain a community project to serve the greater good. Hence, I found talawa to be a very interesting app for me to work with and contribute.

In my free time, I like to play video games, learn new songs and contribute to the communities, be it college or open-source. As a core-team member of the Google Developer Student Club of our college, I’ve made many apps with my fellow club members that solve the community problems around us. I was also a technical team member of Monday Morning, which is the second-largest student media body in India, and have maintained their website and app. I’ve also conducted many community events like the HackNITR hackathon, workshops, etc. I also mentor students in hackathons and various other coding events whenever possible.